Doing Whatever It Takes

Written By: Karoline Comiskey Olsen, May 2024

«I can’t do this anymore...” That thought kept coming up back in December after I had been packing up my stuff, moving from home to home to save rent money.

I had been living like this for 6 months. It started like yet another new experience. A new opportunity to grow. To sacrifice my comfort for the even greater of seeing Stay Satisfied succeed. I was proud of managing with little cash. I was proud of building connections with strangers in a place full of people who used to all be strangers. I knew that the confidence I built through this move 5000 miles away from home, building a company that I dreamed of, was the key to my happiness and life fulfillment.
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Positive self-talk is something I developed as a sailor being out at sea for hours, last in my field, struggling to even complete the race. Thoughts like “You will be last regardless” and “No one will even know the difference between you finishing last and getting a DNF” were constantly arising. Yet I chose to not give up. I chose to tell myself that I am a fighter. I don’t want it if it’s easy. I want to work hard for my accomplishments.

Now I understand why I run marathons. I understand why I seek challenge. It is because I know I get stronger. I have found myself working hard for a long time and feeling as if I am not progressing.

Maybe it is my view on “progress” that is squid. Maybe I live in a world, was raised in a family where the bar is high for success. Maybe I put too much “pressure” on myself. Every morning, I spend time reading personal development books and I am well aware that PATIENCE is my biggest weakness. And to be honest it is most of you all high achievers’ weakness as well.

And let me tell you, being an elite athlete requires patience. Being an entrepreneur requires patience. Growing a YouTube channel requires patience. Starting a coaching business requires patience. Building trust requires patience.

I wanted to share this because if you’re like me, working hard and feel your goals being far away, wondering if you will ever make it, the problem isn’t you or your work ethic. The problem is that GOOD THINGS TAKE TIME…

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